Monday, January 28, 2013

God-sized Dreaming!

Today's message from Holly focused on the following:

I don’t know how far you have to go on your God-sized dream but I do know this: you’ve already come further than you realize.

I don't know if I truly believe that for myself.  My God-sized dream is to do art for His glory and that will uplift others and possibly help struggling and/or abused women and children.

I don't feel like I have budged from the starting gate but if I look at today's message I guess the fact that other than during my black period of severe depression and anxiety that I have just come through I create some sort of art everyday and that I suppose is moving in the right direction.  How far I have come - well not too sure of that.  

This week we need to look back at another time in our life when we took positive action.  I guess I would have to say that the most obvious answer to that would have to be nearly 30 years ago when I took the steps out of the darkness of addiction and alcoholism and into the light of recovery by the grace of God.  It really doesn't say anything towards my artistic goals and plans but what it does bring to mind is that I have just watched my 20 year old son take those same steps one year ago.  Maybe this is indeed a step towards my art goals as much of what I art journal about comes from scripture or positive quotes and that this type of art can uplift and help others in their struggles.  The reason I can even be positive at all is because of taking those steps out of the darkness and into the light of God's love.  I never had read the bible before getting sober and that is really where all our good direction comes from.  

So maybe Holly is right after all...I have come further in my dream than I ever would have thought.  I pray that I will continue to move forward and that I will find ways to share and bring uplifting art to those that struggle that they too may feel the love of God and His Holy Presence in their lives.

Thank you Holly for the encouraging words that showed me that I am indeed moving forward in my dream.

1 comment:

  1. Blessings on open doors to your dream about your artwork! I pray Is 45:1 -3 for you - all barriers removed... A word He's given me over my own art... :) He has you by the right hand!
